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Are You Spending Your Money Wisely?

As a financial advisor, I advise all sorts of people how to spend and save more wisely and it’s surprising what people spend way too much on. This article on CNNMoney highlights the top 12 money wasters, but here are my favorite five that I can relate to:

  1. Leaving Your Stuff in a Storage Unit could be costing you $480-$1800 a year. I recommend going through all that stuff and making decisions to lighten your load and put cash in your pocket book!
  2. Leaving Rewards, Points, and Miles Unused could be costing you over $200 a year. A cool site called Points.com lets you manage all your points and rewards in one place.
  3. Weekly Visits to the Dry Cleaners could be costing you over $475 a year. It could be worth some investment of time to see how to get out that coffee stain or remove smelly odors on your own.
  4. Failing to Program Your Thermostat could be costing you $180 a year. Taking just a few minutes to set up your device could help you save.
  5. Scattering Your Insurance Policies could be costing you $300 a year. By bundling your home, auto, and life insurance, you could save up to 25% a year.

By simply avoiding these five money wasters, you could save close to $2,000 a year. Now that’s savings!

For more advice on how to reach financial freedom, please contact me at dmcmurryiic@msn.com or visit my website: http://www.integratedinsuranceconcepts.com/index.html.

By Doug McMurry, Owner of Integrated Insurance Concepts in Arizona


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